Digestive problems – Malabsorption
Digestive problems – Malabsorption
The main task of the gastrointestinal tract is to process food and absorb nutrients into the blood. If nutrients are not properly absorbed into the blood due to problems in the gastrointestinal tract, we speak of digestive problems. We also call this malabsorption.
With digestive problems, nutrients may not be properly absorbed into the body or the food may not be digested properly. Digestive problems can have many causes. For example, damage to the intestines, such as in Crohn’s disease. Or due to intolerance to gluten (celiac disease). And sometimes sugars in milk are not digested properly.
This may be due to a deficiency of the enzyme lactase.
Other causes for the body not properly absorbing nutrients can be chronic pancreatitis, diabetes, thyroid abnormalities or after surgery on the digestive tract.
Digestive problems and nutrition
Many people with digestive problems also suffer from abdominal pain and loose stools. If this continues for too long, a deficiency of certain vitamins or minerals may occur.
If you or your child do not absorb or tolerate regular food well, your doctor or dietitian can recommend special diet foods. Nutricia has special drinking and tube feeding for children for this purpose.
These are power supplies for medical use and should be used under medical supervision. Ask your doctor which diet suits you or your child best.
More information about tube feeding can be found on our website www.sondevoedingthuis.nl .